My sister and I were still kids living at home and we were out behind the house by my parents bedroom window digging a hole. We found 3 old bibles in the ground belonging to our dad that had something handwritten on the inside cover signed by my grandma. And each one had a seal on a ball stamped inside.
Digging a hole in your dream symbolizes the desire and need for self-discovery and uncovering hidden aspects of your past. Your sister's presence suggests that this journey may involve familial connections or shared experiences.
Finding old bibles in the ground represents a search for spiritual guidance or a deep connection to your beliefs and values. The fact that these bibles belong to your dad indicates a connection to paternal influences and the passing down of knowledge and wisdom through generations.
The handwriting on the inside cover, signed by your grandma, represents a personal message or guidance from your ancestors. This suggests that there may be important wisdom or insights passed down through your family that you can benefit from or that may help you navigate your current life circumstances.
The seal on a ball stamped inside each bible represents protection and validation. It signifies that the knowledge and guidance found within these bibles are trusted and authentic. This suggests that the insights you discover have the potential to provide a sense of security and affirmation as you navigate your life's path.
Overall, this dream indicates a yearning for spiritual and ancestral connections, and it encourages you to explore your family history and the wisdom passed down through generations in order to gain insight and guidance in your waking life.